Main Office
Posted 7 months ago



Procurement No: NRA/Admin/2024/325/RFP 001                                  16th August 2024

The National Roads Authority (NRA) was established in 2003 by an Act of Parliament and vested with the statutory responsibility for the administration, control, and maintenance of all roads in the Gambia and the financing of its operations through the setting up of a Road Fund.

The National Road network (approximately 11000 km of roads) is managed by NRA, as a semi-autonomous Institution. The NRA scope of works has been increasing constantly over the years with the introduction of new road projects, and the planned construction of several other roads in the coming years.


The implementation of such national flagship projects requires the demolition of properties to establish the right-of way and other land acquisition matters for which legal advice and guidance is necessary. There is also a need to undertake a comprehensive review and update of our existing contracts for roads and associated infrastructure works. The legal firm would be expected to guide and advise the Authority in this process. The objective of the legal service is to advise and represent the NRA on all legal matters regarding the governance, management, and operations of the Authority.

The services included under this contract are summarised but not limited to the following:

  1. Provide on-call legal services to NRA;
  2. Provide legal advice in general, including on governance, commercial and contractual matters;
  3. Provide legal advice on the review and update of our contract documents; and
  4. Represent the NRA on all legal matters, as and when required.


The National Roads Authority (NRA) now invites eligible legal firms to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services, summarised as follows: –

  • Information detailing the company’s existence and areas of expertise.
  • List of similar assignments and experience in similar conditions.
  • List of overall permanent and temporary staff in fields related to the assignment: and
  • Any other relevant information.

Consultants may constitute joint ventures to enhance their chances of qualification.

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the Gambia Public Procurement Authority’s “Rules and Procedures for the use of Consultants” (GPPA ACT Section 25. In order to be awarded a procurement contract, local suppliers shall be registered in accordance with Regulations made under this Act) which is available on the GPPA’s website at

The NRA is under no obligation to shortlist any consultant who expresses interest.

Expression of Interest must be clearly marked with the following statement “Expression of Interest for the provision of Legal Services to the National Roads Authority” and must be delivered to the address below by 4th September 2024 at 3pm local time. Submiision by electronic mail (email) can be at . The details of the services required are also available at the NRA website:



Attn: The Managing Director

National Roads Authority

Bertil Harding Highway

Bijilo, West Coast Region

P.O. Box 2396, Serrekunda

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