Road closure and restrictions on trucks along Bertil Harding Highway

National Roads Authority > Our Projects > Road closure and restrictions on trucks along Bertil Harding Highway

As part of the preparation for the upcoming Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) Summit in Banjul, the National Roads Authority (NRA) is undertaking a massive cleaning and road marking exercise on Bertit Harding Highway.
To enhance safety and security, reduce traffic congestion, as well as maintain cleanliness on Bertil Harding Highway during the summit, NRA, in consultation with the Police, and General Transport Union, wishes to inform the general public that a Truck Ban will be imposed on Bertil Harding Highway from midnight on the 2nd of May 2024 to midnight on the 7th of May 2024.
This ban excludes the Contractor, Arezki’s trucks, as they progress on their ongoing works on the road.
We count on the cooperation of the public to implement the truck ban to ensure a safe and successful OIC summit.